EN15038 by Bureu Veritas

Published on: Sep 12 2011 12:00AM

EN15038 is a quality standard developed especially for translation services providers. The EN15038 standard ensures the consistent quality of the service. It requires regular audits by the certification body, and if any discrepancy is found, the certification shall be revoked.

Many European Translation companies have long felt the need for a reliable method of demonstrating the quality of the services they provide to their customers. Many sought ISO 9001 certification as a demonstration of their commitment to quality management systems. However, as the ISO 9001 standard does not address the sort of translation-specific processes which many translators consider important in determining quality outcomes, this standard did not become widely accepted as a "guarantee of quality" in the industry.

In 2006, a quality standard, specifically written for the translation industry, EN 15038, was published by CEN, the European Committee for Standardization. This was a serious attempt to provide certification of translation-specific quality management using independent, on-site audits by recognized certification bodies. This standard is gaining acceptance worldwide and the European Union has begun including it as a benchmark in its tender specifications.

In practice, ALS has significantly approached to EN 15038. Because, ALS has already been supported by automated online project management system, quality assurance system, human resources system and customer relationship system.

Now, ALS Management decided to complete all documentations and certify this fact with Bureu Veritas in the beginning of 2012.

It will be announced separately when the audit to be carried out by Bureu Veritas is passed with success.