
Unlike past, wide range of products are on sale to meet the sophisticated expectations of the modern people.

Breathtaking new technologies and ever rising living standards have added new creative products to the traditional ones. In this regard, product documentation is a part of work for introducing your products to the markets. For example, product manuals help customers who will buy your product in installation, operation and troubleshooting. Documents are necessary for most products, although the level of detail and content may vary such as marketing, technical and legal.

Retails and consumer products

Product documentation includes User’s Manuals, Operating Manuals, Marketing Collateral, Instructions, Catalogs, Sales Brochures, Press Releases, Customer Service, Branding, Packaging and Labels.


Sale websites: descriptions and specifications
In today’s interconnected world, most of internet-based businesses are collaborating with online sellers such as Amazon, Alibaba, Ebay etc. These platforms are hosting huge volume of products. Product descriptions and specifications need to be localized to the languages of targeted markets. We provide customized localization and machine translation post editing services.

Human Translation
Technical translation»
Legal translation»
Marketing translation»
Medical translation»

Web localization»
Software localization»
Game localization




Machine translation»

Generative AI translation»

Human Postediting»

Case Studies»
Company Profile»



User manuals:  In most products, user manuals must be packed with products. Product specifications, installation, trouble shooting, hazards and disposals are helpful for users as described in manuals. 


Thanks to our language consultants and DTP specialists, we provide customized translation services integrated with DTP services.



Catalogs and Sales Brochures: Catalogs, online or print, are needed by product distributors and dealers. Localization of any new catalog is a challenge, because catalogs will be distributed to the local dealers who know each item very well and therefore product names, specifications, numbers etc. needs to be reviewed with utmost care. 

Likewise, brochures must easily catch the readers of local markets. This task is mostly beyond translation, and a mixture of translation, localization and transcreation.

We particularly use CAT Tools to maintain the previously translated content and terminology while working on your catalogs and sale brochures.

Thanks to our DTP team, we are able to guarantee on-time preparation of document translation projects along with typesetting works to provide complete Turnkey solutions.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to us today.